Filtering by attribute
Take advantage of support for multivalued attributes and the ability to import expressions from one document to another.
Automation through scripting
Easily automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks through advanced scripting support with Adobe® ExtendScript. Run scripts for simple tasks from within Adobe® FrameMaker® or through the ExtendScript Toolkit to eliminate manual effort and increase productivity.
Formats and format overrides
Manage formats for paragraphs, characters, and tables from the existing catalog or create custom lists to be displayed. You can also create new formats and delete or override those that are unused or not useful.
Enhanced attribute editor
Define and edit attributes for declarations in markup to perform multiple functions: record the status of content within elements, allow cross-referencing between elements, or specify how to format an element.
Enhanced tag view
Easily view all elements in a collapsible format, even in document view; hide or collapse parent and child elements individually or simultaneously; and search through and open elements, including those that are collapsed.
Text drag and drop and background color
Drag text, elements, and rows and columns from tables and drop them into new documents or applications to save time. Use the Background Color feature to emphasize and highlight important sections of text by adding color to the background, whether for sections of text or paragraphs.
Enhanced importing of comments from PDF files
Import comments with type highlights retained from PDF files into Adobe® FrameMaker® 10 with the Text Background Color feature.
Extended rich media support
Select the right format and import a range of media files into Adobe® FrameMaker® 10. With comprehensive support for different video formats as well as SWF poster frame, you can easily add a slew of multimedia features to create more engaging, high-impact technical content.
Repeat Last Operation
Quickly redo or correct errors with the powerful Repeat Last Operation feature, which allows you to repeat the last operation performed, from current insertions to text or object selections.
Table catalog creation
Manage and apply table formats with enhanced table catalog creation. View all table formats present in your document and apply or delete them easily.
Conditional expressions
Generate conditional output using conditional tags combined with Boolean operators, and manage existing build expression.
Suppress alerts
Choose from a select list of alerts to disable those that you do not wish to see repeated.
Usability enhancements
Work more efficiently with standards-compliant, prebuilt tools and templates designed for easier authoring. Use utilities like Auto Spell Check, Highlight Support, scrolling for lengthy dialogue, and enhanced Find and Replace to get the job done faster and smarter.
Multiple topicref insertion
Save time by inserting multiple topicrefs in one move.
Easy-to-use RM view
Move back to the RM view in a single click, and take advantage of the support for additional child and sibling elements.
Structured Application Creation Wizard
Benefit from a basic infrastructure for working with structured Adobe® FrameMaker®. With this highly intuitive, UI-based tool, users can start working with structured FrameMaker even if they don’t have any prior knowledge or training.
Structure-level comparison of documents
Compare any two documents through the Compare Documents user interface—changes will be marked through Track Text Edits in the composite document.
Documentum and SharePoint connectors
Smoothly integrate with content management systems via EMC Documentum 6.5 with Service Pack 1 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 2 to perform search, read, write, delete, update, check-in, and checkout operations on configured repositories.
Tools for easy DITA specialization
Easily meet consistency and authoring needs as well as specific output requirements while retaining the advantages of your existing DITA architecture by specializing DITA to create customized information models.
Standards support for DITA 1.2
Take advantage of comprehensive support for DITA 1.2 elements, and DITA 1.1, including Bookmap, Indexing, and Glossary specifications.
Change tracking at book level
Save time with a host of powerful features to review and track changes across an entire book. Use review icons to navigate through a review by accepting individual changes or all changes, and view and edit changes from selected users.
Advanced scheduling and publishing capabilities with Adobe® FrameMaker® Server 10
Create multiple build and automated publication tasks and schedule them to run at specified intervals. Select from one-time, daily, weekly or monthly high-volume publication tasks.
Multiple format output with Adobe® FrameMaker® Server 10
Output to multiple formats including PDF, EPUB, WebHelp, Adobe® AIR®, Eclipse Help, and Oracle Help from a single source document.
Shareable publishing task configuration with Adobe® FrameMaker® Server 10
Reuse configurations for a publishing task across your organization to set up similar publishing tasks