3D Animation
General animation tools
Character creation
Camera Sequencer
Grease Pencil
Joint centering and symmetry
3D Modeling
Polygon and subdivision mesh modeling
Surface modeling
UVs, normals, and color-per-vertex
Accelerated modeling workflow
3D Rendering & Imaging
Integrated renderers
Maya Composite
Painting in Maya (Enhanced)
Toon Shader
Professional camera tracking
Next-gen viewport display and shading (Enhanced)
Paint Effects surface and volume attributes
Enhanced Node Editor
Rendering, shading, and camera features
Maya nHair
Maya nParticles
Maya nCloth
Maya Fluid Effects
Rigid and soft-body dynamics
Maya Fur
Pipeline Integration
Scripting and API (Enhanced)
2D and 3D integration
Data and scene management tools (Enhanced)
Scene Assembly tools for smarter data
Enhanced file path handling