Enhanced structural analytical mode
Display Local Coordinate System widgets along structural analytical elements in the view.
Structural Analysis for Revit
Perform static analysis from the cloud.
Structural analytical model
Create and manage the structural analytical model.
Building element energy analysis
Automatically create a more precise energy analytical model.
IFC Linking
Link an IFC file to the current project.
Multiple users save their work to a central file.
Revit Server
Collaborate on shared models across a WAN.
Vault integration
Integration helps streamline data management.
Autodesk 360 integration
Gain access to integrated Autodesk 360 features.
IFC Certification
Revit is certified by BuildingSMART International.
Bidirectional links, multiple analysis packages
Analysis results can automatically update your model.
Interference check
Scan Revit model for collisions between elements.
Pinned elements enhancements
Delete pinned elements only when you specify. Avoid accidentally deleting pinned elements.
Tooltips for Family Parameters
Customize Revit MEP tooltips and communicate parameters and their use.
Trim/Extend Multiple Elements
Trim / Extend can be used on multiple elements using box selection.
Family Parameter Order Adjustment
Maintain parameter order as you specify.
Assembly Code Settings
UniformatClassifications.txt location can be modified and reloaded.
Accuracy of "As-Built" Model Definition
Create as-built models to drive fabrication.
Structural Section Properties
Section shape provides additional structural parameters to the element.
Reinforcement for Parts
Add reinforcement to concrete parts.
Presentation for Rebar Sets
Different reinforcement presentation for a rebar set in each view.
Autodesk Exchange
Access functionality through Autodesk Exchange.
Parametric components
The graphical system for design, form making.
Bidirectional associativity
A change anywhere is a change everywhere.
Multiple materials modeling
Model your structure using the materials you need.
Structural reinforcement
Define and visualize concrete reinforcement.
Point cloud tools
Connect laser scans directly into the BIM process.
Temporary view templates
Change view properties temporarily.
Enhanced Hidden lines
Use ambient shadows and hidden lines to show things that are in front of and behind each other.
Revision improvements
Delete revisions and sketch your own revision cloud shapes.
Tag improvements
Move tags and support consistency in your project.
Enhanced Schedules/material takeoffs
Schedule Enhancements with Parameters, Filter & Grand Totals.
Images in Schedules
Create schedules with images to show graphical information for elements.
Keynoting Settings
Keynoting revision dialog has a single path.
View References
Change the referenced view after a view reference has been created.
Duplicate Views
Changes to Duplicate View Naming Defaults.
Reinforcement Numbering
Automatically number reinforcement elements.
Enhanced Multi Rebar Annotation
Use multi-rebar annotations to tag rebar sets with a detailed annotation for fabrication and construction.
Tapped duct and pipe tags
Tag duct or pipe with numerical values along length.
Construction modeling
Derive greater construction insight from design models.
Material Takeoff
Calculate/track detailed material quantities.
DWG, DWF, DXF, and DGN support
Work with data from clients or contractors.
Structural details
Create details from views of a 3D model.
Sketchy Lines
Sketchy Lines that allows users to achieve a hand drawn, informal sketch look.
Displaced views
Create displaced building design views.
Design visualization
Capture design ideas in a near-photorealistic state.