Layer group filters
Group all the referenced layers from other drawings that are created automatically when attaching external references.
Industry-standard CAD features
CorelCAD is compatible with all major CAD programs and users can onboard quickly with familiar commands and toolbar items.
Layer palette
Access layer controls easily without leaving the drawing UI. Merge one or multiple layers to a destination layer.
Enhanced performance
Enjoy an accelerated CAD experience on the latest operating systems with intuitive updates and features for each interface, like ribbon UI.
Design resources
Access and manage design components like blocks, styles, drawings, and images for a variety of CAD projects in industries like technology, engineering, or manufacturing.
2D Drafting
MultiLeader and Dimension tools
Configure callouts and leader lines that auto adjust. Create a new dimension style from a specified dimension, and use Smart Dimension tools for accuracy.
Custom Block features
Save a Custom Block (symbol definition) as a separate drawing with New CBWBlockAs, or test Custom Block definitions without exiting the Block Editor.
Drawing constraint features
See how the new set constraint name format can specify how dimensional constraints are displayed, and geometric shapes conform to dimensional constraints.
Patterns along paths
Duplicate objects along a path in a variety of shapes, and create specified number of copies in a linear pattern with the enhanced Copy tool.
Object Snaps and Grips
Redistribute objects with Object Snaps, Grips, and Polar Guides. Contextual shortcut menus allow interactive editing of the geometry.
3D Modeling
3D design and editing tools
Create wireframe geometry from the edges of a 3D solid, surface, mesh, or region. Use new OffsetEdges to make 2D entities from 3D solid or surface boundary.
STL file import
Import stereolithography files (*.stl) to insert contained 3D objects. Further modification is now possible on ready-made 3D design imports.
PolySolid 3D solid editing and modeling tools
Use PolySolid to draw 3D solid objects in the shape of polygonal walls. Apply ChamferEdges to bevel 3D solid objects, with Face and Loop options.
Transition from 2D to 3D
Create a 2D design in CorelCAD or import from CorelDRAW to shift to 3D. Extrude, revolve, or sweep 2D entities along a path to go from 2D drafting to 3D modeling.
3D mouse support
Navigate in 3D with support for 3Dconnexion input devices.
Annotation & Collaboration
Data Extraction Wizard
Use the Data Extraction Wizard* to specify and/or block object attributes, extract information.
Native .DWG file support
Open, edit, and save files with the latest AutoCAD .DWG file format, 2018 .DWG—ensuring swift collaboration between colleagues and business partners.
Table support
Export tables as CSV for use in Microsoft Excel or database applications. Add formulas into cells and modify existing tables on screen.
CorelDRAW and Corel DESIGNER file support
Easily import and export CorelDRAW® (.CDR) and Corel DESIGNER™ (.DES) files into CorelCAD on Windows, for a seamless workflow between CAD and graphics.
Annotation and markup
Add recorded messages, reminders, or instructions into drawings with VoiceNotes tool. Mark or mask portions of drawings to exempt from annotations.