What's new
Battery Life - Now extended by up to 30%!
Windows Documents - Now open 48% faster!
Mac Memory Management - Virtual machines use 10% less Mac memory!
1-click tuning - One click and we will automatically set your virtual machine settings for optimal performance based on what you do most.
Real-time virtual disk optimization - Your virtual disk is automatically compacted while you work, so it takes only as much space on your hard disk as it really needs.
Mac native “Save to” in Windows - “Save as” in Microsoft Office 2013 applications to Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud Drive (when Yosemite is available) if they are set up on your Mac.
Mac native “Share” from Windows - "Share” files, text or web-pages from Windows using Internet accounts configured on your Mac. Post on Twitter, Facebook, etc., send via email, AirDrop, and Messages.
Mac native Special Characters - Insert OS X Special Characters like emoji, math symbols, currency signs and more can be inserted into Windows programs from the Edit menu.
Launchpad for Windows 8.1 - We’ve even made the Windows 8.1 Start Screen work like OS X Launchpad.
Windows apps added to Launchpad - As you install Windows apps, we automatically add them to Launchpad.
Support for 3+ button mouse - If you have custom mouse buttons set on a 3+ button mouse, those buttons will work in Windows applications and games.