Core Simulation Functionality
Ability to generate a straight line section while simulating an arc path
Work with a maximum of 20 path sections for any vehicle simulation
Perform reverse maneuvers for single-part vehicles (reversing two or more part vehicles not supported)
Ability to use realistic vehicle plan views for simulation creation and animations
Generate swept path envelopes from vehicle shapes with chamfered corners or filleted radii
Real-time, dynamically updated information (radius, steering and articulating angle values) displayed for the selected vehicle while “driving” a simulation using the “Generate Arc Path” Smart Path Tool
Define and hatch vehicle body swept envelopes for tracking during a turn simulation
Simulate realistic turning maneuvers for vehicles that employ front and rear steering linkage
Create simulations using arcs, polylines, or splines (with Place Vehicle command)
Specialized Transportation Systems
Ability to numerically input or use the mouse wheel to dynamically control the independent rear steering angle for specialized vehicle configurations
Simulate 2-part vehicles with telescoping trailers as seen on some logging trucks
Use specialized 2-part vehicle like the Wind Blade Trailer
Vehicle Animation And Presentation Abilities
Vehicle simulation animations can be looped repeatedly for dynamic and impacting presentations
Generate hatched areas defined by the vehicle body envelopes or vehicle body clearance envelopes for improved visual analysis and presentations
Insert vehicle profiles including dimensions within the drawing file
User Capabilities
Control the display of installed vehicle libraries to show only selected libraries
Real-time turning radius display options
Easy to navigate graphic-driven user interface, dialog boxes, and menus
Context sensitive help files available