What's new
Improved frames in drawing annotation objects
We have improved how the frame options for the various annotation objects in the drawing property pane work in different situations, and also changed the names of the frame options.
Change in Modify button behavior in property pane
Previously, the Modify button in the property pane stayed inactive when you had defined invalid values for some properties. Now the Modify button is always active when values have been changed, even when the entered values are not valid. If the values are not valid and you click Modify, the side pane now scrolls to the property that has an invalid value and indicates the error with a red exclamation mark and frame.
Tapered I-beam (81) - create extra profiles on the beam top
On the Properties tab, you can now select to create extra profiles on the top of the beam, and define the name, material, class, and the numbering prefix and start number for the profile. You can select how the created profiles are connected to the beam. The default value is Cast unit.
You can use the created extra profiles as input parts for other components and tools.
Property pane: The length of a UDA option label has been increased to 60 characters
Previously, the length of a UDA option label in the property pane was limited to 30 characters. The length has now been increased to 60 characters.